Friday, September 22, 2006


Traveling Across Europe in a WHEELCHAIR!!!

Imagine traveling from Romania to Spain, a distance of 5200 km, (3,300 miles) in a manual wheelchair using only the push power of your hands. On 10 September 20, 2006 Vasi Stoica a Romanian athlete completed this challenge. Then after a 5 day break he continued his journey from Spain, up through France, with a final planned destination of Düsseldorf Germany where he hopes to arrive just in time for Rehacare, a major disability trade show.

This is such an accomplishment that I can not even begin to imagine it. Vasi is unaccompanied and unaided. He does not take any other form of transportation other than a wheelchair. When he gets a flat tire, he fixes it himself. When he needs more provisions he rolls into a grocery store and buys them.

I can not imagine the courage and determination it must take to embark on such an adventure. Vasi certainly has my respect and admiration. I have had the honor to interview Vasi. Next week (probably Wednesday) I hope to distribute the interview. I will post a summary and a link to the interview here in the blog. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, we are looking for the opportunity to take a quick few days break in Paris. I am thinking about Vasi currently pushing his way there in his wheelchair and I almost feel guilty about taking the train. Go Vasi Go!

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