Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Some would consider me blessed, other perhaps insane. Either way, I am certainly taking the "path less followed". I left my home country and my corporate job and have been living a kind of fantasy life since then. I live, for now, in beautiful Switzerland. I just turned fifty. I don't own a house, a car, an entertainment center. Yet in many ways I am richer than most people that I know. I feel like my life is a holiday every day of the year.

What do I have? A wonderful wife, who loves me and is my partner in my life and business. Our small company, that is growning but does not quite support us financially. A few dollars saved for a 'retirement' or emergency that I hope will never come. And the opportunity to decide on a daily basis, what I will do for that day. Do I want to work? Do I want to write? Do I want to travel? Every morning, I wake up and make this decision. This blog will record the life of a modern day Peter Pan and his journey down the path less followed.

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